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Nevada Library Association Handbook

Board of Trustees

Nevada College and Research Libraries (NCRL)

At the time the Nevada Library Association began, Nevada had only one university campus, and a separate section for academic libraries was not needed. On October 12, 1967, however, the Academic and Special Libraries Section was formally approved by the then Board of Directors at the request of librarians from the University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada Southern University, Las Vegas, the Nevada State Library, Carson City, and librarians of several special libraries throughout the state. It's initial purpose was to provide at the annual conventions meetings more pertinent programs to academic problems and affairs than could be met within the trustee, public and school library sections. The name was changed in 1975 to Nevada College and Research Libraries (NCRL). As of January 6, 1985, NCRL has been affiliated with the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) a division of the American Library Association.

NRCL is responsible for representing, within the framework of NLA, the interests, concerns, and needs of special and academic library personnel. Its purpose is to give academic and special library personnel cause to meet as a group to discuss library service in Nevada academic and special libraries, cooperative efforts, new technologies, better use of available resources, etc. NCRL sponsors activities or programs within NLA of sufficient interest to make membership in NLA worthwhile to academic and special library personnel throughout the state. For example, NCRL has, in the past, sponsored bibliographic publications, workshops, etc. Projects, functions, and activities are flexible and change widely with the direction of the officers, particularly those of the chairperson.


  • 1969-1970, Martin Dickstein, University of Nevada, Reno (Served 1968 as chairman pro tem)
  • 1971-1972, Dorothy Hamel, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Las Vegas
  • 1973-1974, Robert Armstrong, University of Nevada, Reno
  • 1975-1976, Dorothy Rice, University of Nevada, Reno
  • 1977-1978, Billie Mae Polson, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 1979 (Jan.-Mar.), Milton Wolf, University of Nevada, Reno (resigned to become High Roller editor)
  • 1979 (April) - 1980, Alice Lohse, Nevada Mental Health Institute, Reno
  • 1981, Mary Sue Ferrell, Western Nevada Community College
  • 1982, Richard Grefrath, University of Nevada, Reno
  • 1983-1984, Roberta Orcutt, University of Nevada, Reno
  • 1985-1986, Susan Kendall, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 1978-1988, Laverna Saunders, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 1989, Donna Bentley, University of Nevada, Reno
  • 1990, Allison Cowgill, Nevada State Library and Archives (filled term)
  • 1991, Michael Simons, University of Nevada, Reno
  • 1992, Shelley Heaton, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 1993-1994, Tom Mirkovich, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 1995, vacant
  • 1996-1997, Millie Syring, University of Nevada, Reno
  • 1998, Maggie Ressel, University of Nevada, Reno Getchell Library
  • 1999, Juanita Karr, Learning Resource Center, GBC
  • 2000, Eva Stowers, UNLV
  • 2001-2002, Diane VanderPol, UNLV
  • 2003-2004, Wendy Starkweather, UNLV
  • 2005-2006, Gregory Robinson, Nevada State College
  • 2007-2009, Patrick Griffis, UNLV
  • 2010-2011, Kate Hahn, Nevada State College
  • 2012-2013, Sarah New, College of Southern Nevada
  • 2014-2016, Caprice Roberson, College of Southern Nevada
  • 2017, Nicole Sandberg, College of Southern Nevada
  • 2018-present, Sam Leif, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Effective January 6, 1985, NCRL is affiliated with the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), a Division of the American Library Association.


  1. Elective offices include a chairperson and chairperson-elect. These constitute the Executive Board of NCRL.
  2. Term of elected office is two years, beginning January 1st and ending December 31st.
  3. Election as NCRL chairperson constitutes membership on the NLA Board of Trustees for NCRL.
  4. The Executive Board appoints a nominating committee of three members, usually representing the three library districts. They prepare a list of nominees by October 15th, all of whom have agreed in writing to serve, and conduct an election by mail by November lst. Only NCRL members may vote.
  5. The nominating committee tallies the returned ballots and notifies the incumbent chairperson and all nominees of the results. The chairperson then notifies the NLA Executive Secretary and publicizes the results of the election by January 1st.


The name of this section of the Nevada Library Association shall be the Nevada College and Research Libraries Section, hereinafter referred to as NCRL.

The purpose of NCRL shall be to promote library service of the highest quality for all present and potential users of academic and special libraries in Nevada.

Any personal members of the Nevada Library Association, hereinafter referred to as NLA, may become a member of NCRL by indicating an interest on the NLA membership application. Each member of NCRL shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the membership, shall be eligible for office in NCRL, and shall be eligible to serve on NCRL committees.

Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the Chair and Chair-Elect.

Section 2. Two members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board.

Section 3. The Executive Board must meet at least once during the year at the time of the annual meeting of NLA.

Section 4. The Executive Board shall be the governing body of the NCRL. The Board has the duty and power to act for NCRL between meetings of the membership. It shall provide leadership in carrying out the purposes of NCRL and shall implement policies and programs established by the membership.

Section 5. The Executive Board shall discuss and approve the written budget request and program justification before it is submitted to the NLA finance committee by the Chair.

Section 6. The elected officers of NCRL shall be a Chair and a Chair-Elect.
    a. Duties of the Chair.

(1) The Chair shall preside at all membership and Executive Board meetings of NCRL.
(2) The Chair shall submit a written budget request and program justification to the NLA finance committee by December 31st each year during the Chair's term of office.
(3) The Chair shall serve as a member of the Board of Trustees of NLA and shall serve as liaison with the NLA on all matters requiring official action or response.
(4) The Chair shall report NCRL activities to the membership at the annual meeting.
(5) The Chair shall perform all other duties customary to the office.

                    b. Duties of the Chair-Elect.

(1) The Chair-Elect shall perform all duties of the Chair in the absence or disability of the Chair.
(2) If the Chair-Elect is in a different geographical area than the Chair, the Chair-Elect may be authorized by the Chair to conduct local NCRL meetings.
(3) The Chair-Elect shall serve as program coordinator for all meetings of the NCRL.
(4) The Chair-Elect shall perform such other duties as are customary to the office or as are assigned by the Chair.

Section 7. All elected officers shall serve for a period of two years. The Chair-Elect shall succeed the Chair. No elected officers may succeed themselves in the same office.

Section 8. The Executive Board shall determine the manner in which vacancies among the elected officers shall be filled.

Section 1. An annual meeting of the NCRL shall be held during the time of the annual meeting of the NLA. Meetings are open to all but only members may vote.

Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the Chair, to be held at any time and place which is convenient to the members.

Section 3. The members present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Section 1. The Executive Board shall appoint such standing and special committees as are necessary to conduct the business of NCRL.

Section 2. The Executive Board shall determine the manner of selection of committee members, the number of members necessary to constitute a quorum, and the duties and powers of each committee.

Section 1. The members shall nominate and elect a nominating committee at the NCRL annual meeting.

Section 2. The nominating committee shall nominate at least two nominees for the position of Chair-Elect. Nominations shall be accompanied by the written consent of each nominee. The nominating committee shall make its report to the NCRL Chair no later than October 15. This report shall be published and mailed to the members no later than January 1.

Section 3. Nominations by petition of ten or more members accompanied by the written consent of the nominee and submitted to the Chair no later than October 15 of that year shall be placed on the ballot along with nominees selected by the nominating committee.

Section 4. Ballots shall be distributed to the members by mail no later than November 1st and must be returned no later than December 1st. Election to office shall be determined by a majority or plurality of votes cast.

Section 5. Other issues requiring a vote of the members may be put to a vote conducted either at a membership meeting or my mail, as determined by the Executive Board. A majority of votes cast shall determine the outcome.

Section 1. Amendments may be proposed in writing to the Chair by ten of the members or may generate from the Executive Board or bylaws committee. Any such proposed amendment must be accompanied with a statement indicating which articles or sections are affected by the amendment. The Executive Board shall circulate copies of such proposed amendments to the membership at least 30 days previous to a vote of the members.

Section 2. The bylaws may be altered or repealed, or new bylaws may be adopted, by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members voting by mail or by four-fifths of the members present at any meeting of NCRL when such action has been announced to the membership at least thirty days previously. Amendments as distributed may be altered after discussion and approval of four-fifths of the membership voting.

Section 3. Should conflict arise between any part of these bylaws and the bylaws of the NLA, the conflicting part of these bylaws shall be considered not in effect.

Nevada Library Association

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